em Loving u without boundaries...: December 2005

Saturday, December 31, 2005

New car plate!

Congrats... on the successful installation baby :*

Dun like that uncle. Although he wasn't fierce or anything like tat, he's very jiao gey!
Won't be patroning his store on purpose.... too bad... have to search for another car accesories store....

going out to meet mum now... wish you can come someday baby :)
when everybody is ready, it'll be nice to meet up! :)

won't force you, hope you are not unhappy over this ok.... if so, just tell me lah. dun like it when you just keep mum. initially i was a little disappointed that you turn down the invitation, because i really hope that we 3 can sit down and have a good meal and talk :)

But then i thought, take longer also no harm :)
There will be chance, i will give you time, i myself need to take time also... hehe...

Game Logic again :\

Just have to blog this important thing down before i forget. Another logic derived from game playing.

Alot of pple are unwilling to put in the hard work to slash monsters to get certain items. E.g. I am now on a mission to collect 50 tree branches. Tree branches are only obtainable if i kill the tree-like monsters named Axe Stump. Problem is, it takes a long time for characters of my level to kill Axe Stump, who is a powerful monster. And not all Axe Stump drops tree branches after they are killed. The tree branch drops are random. I've been playing for a long time now... a few weeks.. and i have only 18 tree branches as yet.

Now, alot of pple resort to buying tree branches from other players. I was tempted to do that several times. Cos it was tiring to just hunt for Axe Stump, and to hit hit hit hit hit them until they finally die.

But just as i was about to hunt for sellers of tree branches, i thought to myself. Isn't that defeating the purpose of the game already? The purpose of the game is to kill monsters, build up your experience points, so that you grow stronger and become more powerful. If I resort to the easy way out / the faster way out / the shortcut, yes i will complete the quest faster. But i will NEVER become strong enough to handle the more powerful monsters down the road.

Yes it took me alot of time and finger strength and sleepless nights and effort for my character to become stronger...

Likewise in a relationship, time and effort and hard work are CRUCIAL to make your relationship stronger in the long run..... quarrels are normal... although they bring tears. But quarrels are part and parcel of a relationship! How can there be a relationship with no quarrels? Quarrels are learning opportunities to let you learn about compromising, and giving and taking. Just want to let you know that quarrels are the essentials... as long as they are not of the abusive or physical type....

And not just relationship, everything in life...

Do you get my point?

Hardships are necessary. Nobody lives a smooth life throughout. If you have never experience hardships, you will never appreciate bliss.... Do you know what I mean........

I dun wan you to give up whenever you get trapped into a corner..... tat sucks... there can be a twist to everything.

Kinda similar to the morale of the butterfly story........

I want you to know that we can learn from these together as a couple... love you...

Some heartfelt words...

Things to look forward to in 2006:
1. New car
2. Possible new working environment
3. Holiday cruise with dear
4. Our first anniversary together
5. Other holiday trips with dear
6. Personal time with dear
7. More conversation with mum
8. Well-spent time with family whenever at home

Things to avoid in 2006:
1. Quarrels with dear
2. Quarrels between my folks at home

Lastly.... hope everyone is happy and count your blessings. If you think you are unfortunate, take a good look at those around you. Appreciate everything you have please. Cherish your loved ones... they will all grow old and youth will not come back to you nor them again. Cherish them while you still can and while they are still around. Share, care and concern to all those you know.... sigh.

Ending off with a quote:
"Love Is Patient And Is Kind, Love Is Not Jealous Or Boastful; It Is Not Arrogant Or Rude... Love Bears All Things, Hopes All Things, Endures All Things, Love Never Fails..."

End of 2005....

Caught "The Family Stone" with dear last night. A very nice show to wrap up the year. It's very meaningful and full of touching family warmth moments and of course hilarious moments.... recommended!!

Was recommended this game by my colleague. MOTAS. Mystery of Time and Space. Bagus ah. Confirmed will be addicted! Something like the crimson room. Except that this is more fun! Click here click there and finding logic to solve the puzzles. I like it because of its well-thought lines also. Haha... although a bit lame. But hey it takes alot of effort to think up so many lines for each click on the same item u know!

Well.. the game taught me another thing. Which is that there is a possibility to everything. And if you never try, you will never know. And if you never try all the possiblities, you will never find out the answer. Just keep trying and trying and trying. Even the least possible answer, you must also give it a try! Dun regret! Dun regret not trying and then kick yourself later....

Staying over at dear's place this few days. Mum invited us for dinner tonight for her favourite tonic soup. But dear shy lah.. so i'll be meeting mum at amk. Dad is not so good on health matters lately... haiz.

It's the end of 2005 today already... haiz... can't help but feel a little.... reluctant. 2005 was a rather good year for me... I hate time you know..... they force us to grow old.... and they push us along even if we are not willing to...... i really hate time.,, it's the one thing you do not have control over.... even if you dun like, you still have to go with the flow. tat sucks. tat's so against my principle... never to conpromise if you dun like. but too bad... time is the one enemy i can't overcome..

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

KTV supreme

Express yourself to the max when you're at the KTV next time!
Release your stress. Dun suppress anymore~! :D

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The love birds

Something here to warm the soul..... :)


Penguins.... a role model. Penguins stick to one mate for their whole lives. Wan it to represent us! I only hope that we dun become as fat as tat to hinder kissing!! :P

What is a perfect wedding?

What is a perfect wedding? One with no execution glitches, lots of well-wishers, beautiful flowers, executed accordingly to cue table, romantic ambience?


One with love.

In the show, he said that he attended a small scale wedding. With minimal decorations. Normal setting. When they exchanged vows, both shed tears. And that was all that matters, doesn't it?
The rest are superficial. Only feelings are real...

Beliefs in life:

1) Count your blessings, be thankful and contented for all that you have. Even if you got into a mishap, tell yourself that it could have been worse.....
How I fare now: 8/10

2) Be happy. You have only one life, it's your choice to live it the way you want. The choice is yours. Just like there are two side to a coin, if you dun like this side to face up, you can flip it to see the other side. You can choose to live your life happy or sad. You decide. Either way, your life have to go on. So why not life easier for yourself? Always look on the bright side (interlinked to para 1, whatever happens, tell yourself it could have been worse)
How I fare now: 8/10

3) Spread my joy and laughter and influence pple to be happy. Although my effort alone could not make this world a better place. But if a simple hello or greeting can put a smile on that person's face, i think it's well worth it. Because for me, sometimes it's these little things that keeps me going. Imagine a long tedious day at work, and you come home to be greeted by a warm hug, a concerned greeting or even a sincere hello.... it's just a rainy day and you suddenly spot a rainbow across the sky. It doesn't matter even when the rain is hitting down cold and hard on you. No it doesn't matter anymore. Sometimes i do not mind being a clown to cheer pple up, in fact i'm one of those pple who feeds on the emotion of others. Tat's why i like to provide laughs for pple, i live on their laughters and smiles on their face.
How I fare now: 7/10

4) To be open with my feelings. I believe love should not have a boundary. If you love someone or something, there is no right or wrong when it comes to feelings. Remember you only live once, minimise your regrets. If you love it, go for it. If you feel it, just do it. Hesitate and it will be gone... sometimes some things only happen once. You'll never know. We only live for about 50, 60, 70 yrs... how many regrets can you afford to have in life? How many times can you afford that one chance go by? Some things go by and never come back ever again... dun risk it. do what you wanna do at tat INSTANT.
How I fare now: 9/10

5) To be responsible. To put in 100% effort in the things i do. Be it work, relationship, errands. To look back after an 'assignment' and proudly say that i have put in my all. Sometimes procrastination and laziness gets the better of me. This is one point I have to improve life..........
How I fare now: 6/10

6) To self-reflect. It's important to take time off every now and then to reflect on yourself, your surrounds, your doings and relationship with pple around you. Think about what you have done in the past few days and recollect scenarios where you could have done better, talk better, or handle certain situations better...
How I fare now: 6/10

7) To cultivate a healthy loving relationship with my dear one. There is nothing more fortunate in the world than to have your other half by your side to share your joys and woes in this lifetime. I admit i'm a sucker for romance and a sucker who yearns to share with my special sombody. I'm glad I have found the one who will be stuck with my for life. I believe giving and taking is the best policy between any two pple, not just lovers. And like my love has taught me, to put yourself in the shoes of each other. I will remember this. A love relationship should be like one of a parent-child relationship. No one will forsake the other one regardless of the situation. I really believe in this. A love relationship should be based on this. I cross my fingers that my significant other shares this one belief with me.

Pls let this be a brand new start

Still feeling shaky..... but glad all tat is over.....

You know the feeling of a car accident? Even after the accident, you'll probably still feel the jitters and can even have nightmare of the impact of collision long after it has past....


Grateful.... afraid....... cautious.....

Monday, December 26, 2005

To my Dear......

全世界我也可以放弃........ 至少还有你值得我去珍惜
也许全世界我也可以忘记........... 就是不愿意失去你的消息
我们好不容易........ 我们身不由已
我怕时间太快.............. 不够将你看仔细
我怕时间太慢............. 日夜担心失去你
恨不得一夜之间............ 白头永不分离......................



Hearing this song make me feel so sad........................... so true.............

看到简讯的时候, 简直不敢相信眼睛

对我, 你是我唯一的支柱

我会做个更好的自己...... 为了我和你.......



i've never make such commited words.......

只要用心练习, 没有事是做不到的


我们说好了要一起 old and yellow...... 作彼此的黄脸婆


说好的..... 你说过要负责任..... Dear..........

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Xmas 2005

A great Xmas spent at a chinese oriented hotel. Dear bought me a nice office chair! Blue! Got wheels! And mostly importantly, ideal height!!!!

On Xmas eve, we went far east square for lunch. Initially wanted to have spaghetti for lunch, but couldn't find the place! So we settled for our second choice, the hot jap noodles. We checked in at about 1:30pm. Nice room! Cosy, white, comfy and very spacious bathroom with piped in sounds from the tv.. haha.

All the while i was so anxious whether dear has received my Xmas card, and all the while actually she has received it but kept quiet!! Notti baby!! Made me so buay tahan and eager to ask!! But it was meant to be a surprise mah, so i didn't ask loh.. in case she hasn't open her letter box yet. At one point of time, she was fiddling with my lips and making an 'O' shape with it. I was watching tv then and absentmindedly followed her prompt. And she was making some funny patterns for my mouth. It turns out that she wanted me to mouth the words "O and Yel-low", to which i obliged without knowing why. Until suddenly it struck me that these words sounded so familiar!! It was part of a sentence of the contents in my Xmas greeting... hehee... May we be together till the day where we are old and yellow... :)

Silly darling... hehee... what a way to 'inform' me that you have received my card!! Creative lah... ok lah ;)

All these while i was paranoid as to whether she would received the card, because the ink i used to write the address was quite dark... and the envelope was dark red in colour... therefore was worried that the postman would not send it to the correct address!

Finally have some private time with dear le... Xmas time somemore. Meaningful :)

We went for dinner at this Korean restaurant at China Square. Finally got our first taste of Ginseng Chicken. Bagus... *slurp* Dear likes it just as it is.. a little bitterness and herbal chicken taste. I secretly added in some salt when dear was not looking.. hehee.. towards the end of the meal lah :)

The side dishes that came along with the BBQ pork were marvellous. Dear like the anchovies whereas I like their Kim Chi. There were 8 side dishes in total if i didn't remember wrongly. And we were plesantly surprised when they arrived. All taste quite light and were definitely good appetizers for us tat night.

After the rather filled dinner, we made our way to the fruit place and had a serving of papaya and pear. The 'ah beng' boss was so friendly and eager to share with us the health benefits of these fruits. He even let us sample some drinks while we were deciding what to order. Nice customer service.. and he made me feel that this place truly exists for the well being of its customers.

*BurrRRRRp* We took a slow slow stroll back to the hotel. Was comtemplating to go Brewerkz nearing supper time. Wanted to try the assorted beer there.. hehee. Get a beer belly for my dear... so that I can hide my 'BB' (belly button) from dear, so that she can't bully it!!!!

Dear announced that we shall go back and shower and come out again at around 1030pm, so that we can go back room and celebrate the arrival of xmas in private. To which i was puzzled and asked she still has pressies for me. Dear said i am a greedy piggy!

When we got back to the room, i got tired after a while (read: pig)... drifted off to sleep after a nice shower. But i insist that i was not going to sleep for long, as i still want to wish dear merry xmas at first instance when the clock strikes twelve.

A few minutes past twelve, i suddenly woke up to dear's calling. We kissed each other and exchanged greeting. Then dear pointed behind me and asked innocently what that parcel was doing behind me. I turned around and saw a nicely wrapped up present... idiotic dear. Before I unwrapped the gift, i whipped out 2 presents for dear also :)

Gave her a girl boxers (hehee.. notti notti!! :D) and a book on communication (by Larry King, should be easy to read since the font is big). Hope it doesn't make you fall asleep dear! Hopefully this topic can ignite your interest! And hope that it can help you along your career and network management :) To superiors, subordinates, contractors, friends, me, etc :D

Dear gave me a 9 layer xmas tree (yes she means 长长久久!!!) Yay dear!!! A hand made origami! Attached to a little card that has caricatures of both of us! And a lovely pair of bikini, printed with a animal which dear says resembles me. Elephant! Unflattering resemblance! :
But the bikini looks very lovely. Blue... aawww :) Dear purchased it online. And i remembered a few weeks ago, i told her that i wanna go shopping for a new pair of bikinis.... dear remembers.... touching.... haiz... :')

And not to forget, the office chair that dear painstakingly bought, after travelling everywhere to search for the ideal chair. At the same time she gotta bluffed me about her whereabouts, in case i found out about the present beforehand... thanks dearrrr....

Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness darling... u made me feel mportant.... i feel so fortunate that someone is willing to go through so much for me...

Xmas day... breakfast was decent at the cafe. Not over the top. Just nice. We were supposed to check out at 12pm. But due to some *ahem* activities, we were delayed and checked out at 1230pm... too bad :(...... Luckily nobody came to knock knock on our doors... hehehe.

Went to town for food and shopping. Had late lunch at Wisma and shopped at Toys R Us and Taka. Full of pple everywhere. Xmas spirit is still ever so high!

Dear bought a gift for mum... mum liked it alot. A card/handphone holder which can be hung on the neck. Mum previously gave dear a packet of sweets nicely packed in a Heart shaped Precious Moments box. Mum reminded me ever so frequently to give it to dear. Hehe... I am glad... i am very very glad ;)

Love you two so much....

Random Topics

Yummy Ginseng Chicken (named Sam Gye Tang in Korean). It's really very nice. But i wonder will our nose bleed from eating too much of it? Do they eat it in Korea everyday when it's cold?

Dogs @ Sentosa. Wooffff.

Abusive pple :( Luckily the worst thing my dear do to me is bite bite only.

Friday, December 23, 2005

One of my logic derived from game playing

Cool game. Worth a try. Was hooked onto it all the time when i was first introduced to it. But patience and intelligence paid off ;D

Anyway it was said that there are less than 4000 people in the world who can escape from this room. There are 13 items hidden in this room in order to let you get out of this room. You need to find them all to escape.

If you find: 0-6 items, your IQ is very very low.
6-8 items, Low IQ, but not very very low.
9-10 items, u r normal
11-12 items, your IQ is high, above the average.
13 items found and get out of the room, there are less than 4000 people in the world can do it!

Try it!

Anyway while trying the solve the puzzle, an analogy struck me.

Sometimes... u may possess all the things/tools/talents needed to accomplish something, but if the timing isn't right, you will not get the desired results. But when the timing is right, you can use the same method and get it right effortlessly, using exactly the same method and materials. Timing is important. just like fate.. it depends alot of timing also dun you think?

News Update - 23 Dec 05

Dogs Stolen
A few pedigree were stolen from a pet grooming school at Tampines. Hope these dogs dun get into bad hands, and be mistreated :(

NKF Saga
The much talk-about and most infuriating cheater bug TTD. Read about it here. 300 page of findings. And facts that make you boil at 200 degree celsius.

Aftermath of Tsunami
It has been a year.... time flies.... hopefully it has improve the healing of wound of those who lost their loved ones. Ongoing reconstruction and fear of the unknown still keep tourists away... Rest in peace.








Something uplifting for everybody. Have a merry weekend ;)

Love and Peace

This will put a smile on ur face :)

Goodnite everyone :)

Goodnite mum and dear... thanks mum for the present. thanks mum for dear's present :)
Love u mama.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

So many exclaimations!!

The festive mood is so thick in me!!!! Gaaaah!!! I will start wearing green and red from tomorrow onwards!!! Hahahhaaa.... Oh... haven't I????!!! :D!!!!

Bought something today which made me very happy!!! Kekekee... surely surely to come in useful one of these days.... hopefully very soon! ;D!!!!

Did something today which made me very tired.... physically. But definitely not emotionally tired!!! If not my mind would not be racing so fast now!!! I'm feeling so high now!!! So hyper now!!!! The mind is racing but my fingers... my fingers can't catch up!!!!! GAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! :P!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's thrilling to just type the exclaimations marks continuously like this cos my fingers can rest while expressing my truimph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Btw L mentioned that he will be on TV tonight!! Tat idiot!!! Can't wait to see him on screen!!!!!!!!!!

Quite a nice social day at work today!! Made good chats with everyone... i'm feeling so politically proud now! I managed to siam the gathering tomorrow night! Alrightly man! I'm not gonna waste a friday night on some stupid office gathering! Yay to my successful and lame excuse!

Hope my baby has got a good lunchie today! Build rapport with her colleagues and new boss! :)

And I wanna try the chocolate buffet some day! And brunch with wine! And tunch with champagne! ALLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!! ARM ARM ARM ARM ARRRRRRMmmmmmm!!!!!

Work hard in order to appreciate ur play time!

Feels rejuvenated after a combo of massage and kk from my baby :)

Had headache spells after I woke up around noon today. Only to be cured by a kiss from my special one. Hehehe... amazing!

*Rubs hands together* I wonder........???! :D

Alright it's late now... i have spent the last day of my leave for last year already... Sigh. Back to work from tomorrow onwards. TOUGH luck. Oh well.... have to buck up! Next is Xmas holidays! I shall work hard in order to enjoy my holidays thoroughly! How can play hard and not work hard right? Work hard!! But play even harder! Live life to the fullest mah..... *Note to self: Should not have time to slack! Dun waste your youth away!*

Ok time to join my baby for piggy sleepy now.

Something to be happy about. 2 weekends to spend in my babe's house next year!! :D
DVD/VCD/chill out/nua/cuddling/massaging time!!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005



词:徐若瑄 曲:周杰伦





News Update - 21 Dec 05

Phuket, Khai Lak and other islands
Hope the tourism status in these places pick up soon. Let the economy go back to normal and tourists able to enjoy the beaches again. Khao Lak was a very serene and scenic place... have seen pics of it just before the disaster struck.

Sex Education across the causeway
Does it have to take this long to come to realise this? On a side note, most singapore cars that were stolen across the causeway were makes like Toyta RAV4, Toyota Harrier and other expensive makes like Lexus, BMW, etc. Beware.

EJ Leads
Sometimes too much publicity will turn up the glare. I just hope that it does not go towards the negative end of the limelight. Anyway, some very lovely pics here. Love the genuine expressions on their faces.

At the end of the day, we just wish to be with our loved ones.... who doesn't? Dun conform and lead a life full of regrets. U only live once. 1. Satu. Yi1. Uno.

Btw does EJ's face look plastic? Or did he just went through botox? Maybe he's just old. Or maybe i wasn't observant enough in the past.

COE updates
Prices of all categories dropped by quite an unexpected percentage. But it is not at its lowest, lowest was at October this year.

Bird Flu and other diseases
Guess we can still postpone our Bird Park trip till later.. and then we can have the jap dinner when we crave for it then. Our sunny island is still under risks of various diseases. So pple, take good care of urself and be hygiene at all times. Have to be in good health before you can do anything at all!

Scary results to a funny test!!

Wah lau eh........!!

The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to obedience and warmth.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is 100%. You are not suited for a monogamous relationship.
You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.

Story of a Butterfly

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly.

One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther.

So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. However, it had a swollen body and small, shrivelled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected the butterfly to fly. He thought that at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand and the body would contract, so that the butterfly could take off.

Neither happened!

In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shrivelled wings.

It never was able to fly.

What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon was the struggle required for the butterfly - in order for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening, this was nature's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings, so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If nature allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been, and we will never ever be able to fly without it...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Crazy anxious

Anxious....... hehehee.....

Some heartfelt words - 20 Dec 2005 - 1 year into new office

This time last year, I can never forget those magical moments.

*Blog interrupted, she's hanging clothes now.... how virtuous.... ah.... :)*

It was the annual function by my company same time last year. As i was about to drive pass her office, i rang her up to see me at the corridor... she came out... i saw her.... the feeling was so, unbearable, and yet happy. Unbearable because i can't tell her the feelings i have for her. Longing and pinning for her every moment of the day.... And happy because just seeing her for that split of a second lifts me up so so so much.

That bittersweet feeling was one which i will never ever forget... for she is the only person in my life that has made me feel this way.... butterflies in the stomach.... utter silly nonsensical stuff.... and sometimes trying to act 'garang' in front of her..... hahaa....

You can never imagine how excited i was to bump into her or see her. Whether intentionally or unintentionally. Be it driving on the road, walking along the corridor, or on the way to the loo.... deep down in my heart i often pray to 'bump' into her. Very often my prayers were answered, i wondered if i were a psychic. Or is it simply just immersed telepathy between 2 people? Whose attractions towards each other are so strong like attracting poles of a magnet?

In them morning, I would bump into her on the roads ever so often. I mean, what are the chances? One in how many thousands? We live at different parts of the islands, and although we share a common route nearing our work place, but it's very often such a coincidence... I would bump into her at traffic lights, or along the expressway. This, was one of the first few things that brought my attention to her.

And on the way to the loo from my office, i would often look towards her office and hope to catch a glimpse of her stepping out onto the corridor also. I dare say it's merely playfulness that led me to yearn for her presence all the time. Cos she's the only person i can joke madly and clown around with. My partner in play. And then something else creeps in quietly..... without our acknowledgement.... The yearn for a play mate has developed into something more... haiz.... It's such a beautiful movie in my mind....

None other than you, the beautiful lady who is now my dear.... Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder... u know... i still get the jitters in my knees when u looked at me in a certain way.... the same jitters i had, when i was unable to confirm the feelings i had for u... the fear to admit to myself that it is love... the weak feelings in the knees... the lump in the throat.

So glad..... so glad..... so glad everything turns out the way it is now.... yes there were ups and of course downs.... but i'm glad for all of these.... and for many learning process to come... be it good or bad... i just want to experience it with no one but you......

Rem i told you that I dun want to be ur emotional burden, and that if there is a better someone out there for u.... u can just go... and u do not owe me any explanations.. Rem? When i casually mention to Pat about it, he commented, that i must be acting noble, just an act of graciousness... well....

Monday, December 19, 2005

Sweet Debt

I'm in deep debt. 35kk. Will my lips endure the sweet payback this weekend? Stay tuned :)

To my dear

I'm going to sleep now le dear... night night... missing you again.... :\ Haiz.... another lonely night without you...... just me and my bolster to 'hug' each other.......

It is not a heinous crime

"Sexuality is fluid, whether you're g ay, bi, straight, whatever; you just go with the flow."

The attraction is so empowering, regardless physically or emotionally.

A boliao test

Hey... quite true leh... haha... scary....

You are Brown Panther, who is gentle, kind, warm and friendly.

You don't get influenced by people around you, and can keep your own pace of doing.

You have high self-esteem, and are person of strong will.

Although you really are a kind person, people regard you rather obstinate; this is because you are not very good at expressing yourself.

If you can make the others know this weakness, you will certainly be more trusted.

You dislike being restrained, and wish to stay and act freely.

You are an independent person, and do not mind being alone.

You will be successful by going into a professionalcareer.

You have extremely high ideals, and rich sensitivity.

You can not stand compromise, and therefore, may struggle between reality and ideals.

You are a person who can grow to become a greater person by overcoming many failures and difficulties, so don't grave over your little mistakes.

It is sometimes important to have a big heart and take a "so-what "attitude.

You are a hard person, and can be too critical. People have their faults, so don't dwell upon little things too much.

When you start a family, you will take an equal stance to your other half. And you wish to keep your job even after you settle down.

You are Blue Panther, who is cheerful, lively and light hearted person.

You can keep reason and emotion at a good balance.

You are gentle and peaceful too.

You have deep and wide relationships with people, and there are some whom you would have a long relationship with.

You possess fashionable sense and are well dressed that make people turn around in the street.

You are not good at objective way of thinking.

You rely on your preferences, and the instinct of that moment.Therefore you cannot accumulate plans.

You are also weak on making quick solutions and coming out with conclusions through careful and strict analysis.

You tend to not be able to find your life objective.

You find your objective through the situation you are in, and by the support of the people around you. This makes your life divide into two sections, and there may be a possibility that you may lead a totally different life.

You are extremely sensitive and possess natural sense of instinct.

You think too much about people's opinion, and are always feeling unsettled.

You are a romantic sort of person in that you lead your life according to your beliefs rather than depending on talent and capability.

Even after you get get hitched, you should keep your career that requires your good fashion sense.

You will be a good but rather obstinate spouse.

Michelle Krusiec

Happened to come across this... weird logic she has.. haha... well it's important to stand by urself and believe in yourself and be happy :)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

A lovely sunday with my dear

I've finally got my new specs prescribed, and my old phone ready to be sold. Be responsible.

And dear and me finally went up to the jap restaurant at the Bird Park Tower! Food was so-so. Ambience would be nice with slightly lesser pple. Cooking performance was quite ok. Dessert was good. Overall, so-so. It's the experience that counts ba :). Another first with dear... it's nice to experience things together with dear..... :)

It was a very chilled out day with my lovely... although got some 'suaning' from her. And we kinda made alot of rounds at Jurong area.... Bird Park is at such an ulu place!!!

Dear is working tomorrow... hope you have a good rest my dear.... i'm sorry for the mess i've created for the past 2 days....

Note to self:
1) Call n check on complimentary parking
2) Salvage stuff for SA
3) Set alarm
4) If you wan to keep her by ur side.... u better buck up and improve....
5) Dun let her tear again......
6) Before u do anything... think.... act responsibly.... not only to dear... to parents too....
7) It may be difficult to juggle everything all at once... but just take time to think.....
8) Do unto others what you want others to to unto u...

News Update - 18 Dec

Flexibility of night parking at HDBs
Drivers can now opt to put hourly coupons after 10pm... or the flat rate of $2 till the next morning. Note to dear. Wonder what colour the coupon is.... already so many colour codes now. Blue, orange, purple and are there somemore?

News from the Salvation Army
Useful information for pple like my love who donate practical stuff...

Another death in the SAF
A NSman collapsed and passed away during IPPT remedial training...

Note to self

Basic Responsibility. Simple yet i can't do it. Is this what i want to see in myself? Is this how i want to live my life? I will regret if i dun do anything about. I dun wan any regrets in life ya? Dun let this be the regret in my life...

Stop and think.... dun get pulled by the fast speed.... stop for yourself... stop for ur loved ones and think about ur actions and words... and things you do...

Saturday, December 17, 2005

I have never... never anticipate the coming of xmas so much...... i really miss giving u a big hug.......

Whenever i feel down.... or upset.... this helps..... it always helps.

This blog..... memories of our good times together.... the plentiful handmade gifts darling made for me... the decals........ our birthdays spent together, they bring me plenty of hope.... all i ask now.... is my dear's forgiveness....... i know it takes time.... i will give you time....... because i know i dun deserve kindness from u... i'm sorry....

She wouldn't have been hurt by my actions, if she didn't love me.
I wouldn't have been hurt by her words, if i didn't love her.

The bottomline is, we love each other. The whold episode started because because of my idiotic actions. I dun wan her to be upset over such stupid behaviours again..... please.... buck up....

Must I be punished for so long? :'(

I'm sorry i made u wake up early... and destroyed our appointment.... i think i deserved enough punishment by wasting a day doing nothing but waiting for ur sms and call......... haiz..... with no explanation or reason given........

Friday, December 16, 2005

Dedicated, to the lady of my life:

For the first time
By Kenny Loggins

Are those your eyes,
is that your smile
I've been lookin at you forever
But I never saw you before

Are these your hands
holdin' mine
Now I wonder how I could
have been so blind

For the first time
I am looking in your eyes
For the first time
I'm seein' who you are

I can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin back at me
Now I understand what love is.....
Love is...for the first time...

Can this be real,
can this be true
Am I the person I was this morning
And are you the same you

It's all so strange
how can it be
All along this love was right in front of me

For the first time
I am looking in your eyes
For the first time
I'm seein who you are

I can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin back at me
Now I understand what love is...
Love is...for the first time...

Such a long time ago
I had given up on findin' this emotion..ever again
But you live with me now
Yes I've found you some how
And I'VE never been so sure

And for the first time
I am looking in your eyes
For the first time I'm seein' who you are
Can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin back at me

Now I understand why love is...
Love is... for the first time.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Happy At Last

The world is slowly changing for the better, more accomdative, more creative, more adaptable, more tolerant, more open minded. Everyone will be happy.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Mummy's day
Went shopping with mum today and treat her to a Ajisen dinner. They've changed their menu and it's not as customer friendly as the previous one.

Did nothing much condusive at work today. Tat sucks.

Gave the bank docs to my agent today already. Yeah :)

Looking forward to our Holidays
Xmas is coming, which we've pamper ourselves with a one night stay downtown and after new year, my dear and I have another holiday to look forward to! Cruise! Yipeee!!!! Since there seemed to be no double beds, and the 2 single beds are so far apart, looks like i'll find ways to squeeze into my dear's bed... hehehe.

W.... dream... warm dream lah ;)
Oh... and i had this very fantanstic dream about us last night. Good gracious :) We were chatting and cuddling and nibbling each other in bed.. Hehee.. nothing X-rated lah... i'm so angelic! What we had then was something very cosy... warm... and sweet :)

I woke up feeling so fluffy and floaty... as if i have wings... tat was a cool feeling for the start of the day. I guess more actions would have followed if i didn't have to wake up for work! :(

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Love Heat Therapy

Horoscope for 2006 :)

Using this instant heat pad my babe bought me, on my shoulder and wrist :D

Monday, December 12, 2005

I need to pour these out

He looks gross. Doesn't look a bit like what she describe. Maybe it's just dry vinegar. I'm glad she choose me.... I have confidence I'll treat her better.... won't let you be mistreated.... never... things i cannot give you, i hope to make it up in other ways...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Flower Idiot

Was feeling so needy these few days!! Must be pms again. I think dear must be finding me so sick! Hahaa... so touchy and 'fa1 hua1 chi1' like tat! Idiot!!

Well well... we went shopping at the plaza near my house. When a couple is in love and they dun stay together, the neighbourhood shopping malls become their fav hangout.. haha... even when we can memorise the shop names and locations by hard. When you're in love, even these mundane things seems so sweet.

We went 三盅两件 for dinner... cost us about $70. Dear said we can pamper ourselves to at most another good meal for this month, since we've collected our bonus. Hehee.. just one??! Well joking lah, one more is enough le! We then went walk walk, mini toons, sports link, kiddy palace, courts and supermarket. Simple love marketing with dear!!! Then we ate again. Coffee, eggs and toast. Powerful appetite we have!

Well tat's all for now folks... i promise dear to sleep after the goodnight kiss... so... goodnight!

A little info

Baby, check this out! More savings!

And this guide for fuel consumption of vehicles

And this comparison for Trimax and UZap.

Love ya.

How deep is your love? :)

How in love are you?? Test yourself!

I have quite high scores! Wat's yours?? :)

One for a positive sunday afternoon :)

To know your LOVE NUMBER, pick out your birth date.

Your LOVE NUMBER is 1 if your birth date fallson: 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th
Your LOVE NUMBER is 2 if your birth date fallson: 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th
Your LOVE NUMBER is 3 if your birth date fallson: 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th
Your LOVE NUMBER is 4 if your birth date fallson: 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st
Your LOVE NUMBER is 5 if your birth date fallson: 5th, 14th and 23rd
Your LOVE NUMBER is 6 if your birth date fallson: 6th, 15th and 24th
Your LOVE NUMBER is 7 if your birth date fallson: 7th, 16th and 25th
Your LOVE NUMBER is 8 if your birth date fallson: 8th, 17th and 26th
Your LOVE NUMBER is 9 if your birth date fallson: 9th, 18th and 27th

Here is what your LOVE NUMBER says aboutyou...

1. You are affectionate and passionate. Attimes , however , your strong personality can bea bit overpowering , scaring off potential suitors!Try to curb that intensity every now and then andyou may get a chance to find Mr. Right. <<>>

2. You are described as ideal partner , loving and romantic.In fact, one of your life's priority goals is to find the love of your life.But remember to keep it real , too or else , no guy out there will ever meet your expectations. <>

3.Attractive , imaginative , outgoing , loyal and generous too. You definitely don't run out ofadmirers.Just be careful of those who will take advantage of your kind nature. <>

4.You fall in and out of love so easily.Could it be because you often mistake infatuation for the real thing? Resist being impulsive when it comes tolove and take your time to know the guy. <>

5You go from one emotion to another so fast and so often , it's hard to keep track! But you'reintelligent.You are also bold and daring , and you enjoy the finer things in life. <>

6. You are quite the charmer but you can also be warm and nurturing.But beware of the green-eyedmonster in you. Your needs or affection can make you clingy.And one more thing , stop going after unavailable girls! <>

7. Your a deep thinker who happens to beromantic , gentle and sensitive. Seek someonewho will love you as much as you love him ,someone just as tender and generous. Be careful of those who will take advantage of your idealistic nature. <>

8.You are sophisticated and at the top of urgame. Being confident , independent and very successful in your career , Some may see you ascold and detached.But , when you find the rightguy , you can be quite passionate. <>

9.Creative, intuitive and imaginative , these threewords describe you best.You are also quiteimpulsive when it comes to love , making your love life unpredictable.You are also passionate and loyal. <>

Traces of brightness...

Suddenly the dark clouds made way a little for the vibrant and pure white clouds again... :)

Portrayal of love

If the love connecting two people is strong, nothing stands in the way. The fence will be overcomed easily.

I know, it's just a movie and i can't get over the positive feeling it gives me. But movies are portrayals of life, ain't it? It gives us hope and dreams for our every tomorrow.

November Chopin


歌手:周杰伦 专辑:十一月的萧邦
词:方文山 曲:周杰伦









A hopeful sunday

M: He just went out. Left a packet of sushi and a pot of porridge in the kitchen. What is trying to do?? If nobody consume these things, it'll turn bad!! Who else but me to clear the mess??
I: Just let him be lah.. u can't micromanage another person....
M: You know when the sushi was bought? Tuesday!! Almost one week already!!
I: Sushi have to be consume within 2 to 4 hours after purchase......
M: Pls tell him tat!!!
I: I'm not going to. And you need not tell him that too. If he wan, he eat lah. If he get diarrhoea his problem lah!
M: If he gena food poisoning, he'll blame us!
I: He's already an adult, how could he dunno such things. Ma, just leave him alone and let him do whatever he wants. By putting across the good will to him, he won't appreciate one, trust me. If he has intention to listen to your suggestions, he would not show his true colors like now already. Dun start a fight with him. Be cool ma. What if he did these things to purposely make you angry, so that you will start a fight with him?? Then you would have fell into his trap!! Just close one eye mum... like i say these things are logic and yet he purposely go against the logical stuff... must be on purpose what! Just let it go....

I so want to make everyone around me happy... i can't even handle my own household well now... He is the root of all problems. How can anyone, a mature adult in his fifties, be such a unhygienic, rude, brainless, selfish fuck? I admit failure now.... i thought i could solve any problems and make pple happy. But i've met my real obstacle now... i can't overcome him and remove this obstacle in our lives.

He just showered. Will he leave? I hope. Mum and me going shopping later.

Free flow

Can you stay over tonight?

Hollowness in the chest.... needs to be filled up.....


24 Dec.... pls come soon..........

Perhaps Love.... watch it with your love ones. Her warmth beside me feels so cosy... so heartwarming...

Pls drive carefully my dear. Pls watch over her.

Thanks for the kiss kiss just now....... the wonders it does to heal..... i really needed that.... i need you.... i can't risk losing you in my life really. I love you baby..... somehow the controlled tears is breaking loose now. Miss you very much... i love you...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Heartfelt reactions

I just have alot to say today dun i?

Got to get everything off my chest.

When I saw the blood streaming down my mum's face and saw his simply walking back to his room, I was so helpless. I wanted to rush into the room and smack the daylights out of him. But mum was crying and the the thick blood kept oozing out of the cut in her face,I just broke down. Didn't know what to do best, i just hugged her and cried. Then I thought of the flowing blood, quickly ran into my room, looking frantically for tissues. Haiz.... feeling helpless without dear too... if she was here, i guess she could have made the situation better just by her presence alone, if not a consoling hug.... A life with mum and you will be heaven for me le.

1 + 1 = 2

Like bee has said, she's getting increasingly irritated by her bf's daily behaviour, although he hasn't change a bit. She say that it's just tat her tolerance limit has reached the max liao. The bad habits that he has, she used to be able to endure. But now it irks her so much that she's so pissed off by every little actions he does.

Could that be the same case for mum and him? I dunno... but for me and him, i dare to say that i've never accepted his behaviour. But since mum choose him back then, i respect her decision. He's the person she chose to spend her old age with, even if i dun like, i dun have the right to object. Cos it's their love life, i can't interfere. And she has the right to choose her own man.

Will my dear treat me this way in future? *scare* when her tolerance level is maxed out one day...... i'll be dead......

I kept a list of things of why i like her, so that i can always be remembered of those sweet silly things that i love of her..... it'll help to revive and rekindle the love i have for her. especially memories of the courtship period. it'll help. It really does. One must never forget the things that attract you to her in the first place.

Just wondering if there is any reason that she like of me.... if no... *shudders....*

Smelly dog

Now that he's into cooking fish. Every meal also fish fish fish fish. The whole kitchen gives out little traces of fishy smell. WTF. Table cloth, fish smell. Microwave, fish smell. Dustbin, fish smell. Mop handle, fish smell. Haiz... what can i say more....

Grad Photo

Mum has been edging me to go for a photo in my graduate gown. Well... i've been putting it off for a long time now. I understand her enthusiasm in wanting her girl to be proud in her graduation, and that she is sore about the fact that we never had a family portrait taken together. She is proud of the fact that her own girl has a degree too! Albeit maybe not a very good one... but i won't want to dash her beautiful image of her daughter! :)

I wanna take one with my baby too! Hehe... should be fun!! For remembrance's sake also loh. Now that we still have the looks of fresh grads, we should have our youthful looks snapped and printed first!!

I love you two.

A flash of thought

Doesn't getting hitched with a girl, a zillion zillion zillion better than living with a abusive useless husband?

So ashamed of the coward living in the house

They fought. Loads of harmful words in the air. Total nonsensical and 200% irrelevant to the original matter that sparked off the quarrel.

M: Once you buy fish head, you keep buying them, the fridge is running out of space.
Pls finish them fast. It's wasting electricity to keep the fridge so loaded. And the food will not become fresh if you keep for so long
Scum: I will.
M: Do you still wan the bottle of sauce, if not i can give to my colleague. New Year is nearing and we won't have space in the fridge if nothing is cleared up.
Scum: Tat sauce? Do you want me to die from eating it? You know i'm sick yet ask stupid questions. Dun give that away. I will only eat that when i have nothing to eat.
M: ???!!! Keep keep keep until when??
Scum: I'm sick now you know? There are alot of things i can't eat!
M: Yes, you can't eat, then i give them away lah, instead of cluttering up the fridge!
Scum: Are you trying to drive me to my grave??
M: I'm just stating the facts! Wat do you wan to do with them since you are sick and you can't eat them?!?
Scum: You are so cruel, next time when you fall sick like me, i will make sure i treat you the same way as you did. Cruel... i will stand aside and see you fall.. i will not lift a finger to help you!! You will surely die and go to hell, you will..
M: Everytime keep so much things inside fridge, then when things turned bad, who is the one to clear the mess?? Me!! Early in the morning curse me??! I'm only stating a fact!!
Scum: Tat's it... the pain in my chest and heart is coming back again... tat's it, you have fulfilled your objective of driving me up the wall. You must be happy now!!!

-Scum goes back to room-
- 5 mins later, Scum comes out whining -

Scum: My heart aches so much now...... boohoooo...
M: Ache then ask ah girl bring you to hospital lah, aching still have energy to scold pple!!
Scum: Pls lah... stop lah... Aches a hell lot....
M: Then ask ah girl to bring you to hospital lah, ache ache ache.... sick big deal meh? Sick then see doctor lah!
Scum: Whines whines whines. I sick you still treat me like that, those food i still wan one.
M: Always make the house so messy, ache then go see doc lah, still stand there and whine and talk and complain!!

-Scum retreats back into room and locked the door-
- I was already awake and conscious all this while, still lying in bed-

M: Hey wake up, he complaining of heartache lah, bring him see doc.
I: Ok.
M: His door is locked.
I: Then how?
M: He dun wan to go, his business lah. I dun wannt bother liao.
I: Hmm.

- 5 mins later, Scum comes out of room -
Scum: You're lucky i survived this ordeal, this attack.
M: Pain still dun wan to see doc. Still got strength to argue!!
Scum: I tell you enough is enough.
M: I slogged so much for this house, what do i get? Nothing! No status, no nothing!
Scum: Pls stop!
M: I fork out money, i still have to endure all this nonsense from you!!!!
Scum: Stop!! Can you stop??!!!!

- Scum hits M on the face -
M: Still dare to hit me??!!! Girl!!! Can you believe it he hit me??!!

- Scum sneaks back cowardly into room after the fucking shameless deed -
I: Ma...?

- M bleeding at the cheek and side of nose -
I: Ma... you're bleeding.... Ma you're bleeding!!!!!!


He threatened to leave the house. PLS DO. Pls pls pls. I never need you in my life. NEVER EVER. Tell me what you have done for me, for her, for the house. TELL ME! He has said he wanted to leave so many times, but yet..? Coward. What a coward!!!! No place for you go right??? No one wan to house you right? Then dun pull out those words so loosely from your fucking mouth!!

I brought ma to the nearby clinic, he can die at home for all i care, seriously. Told her to say that she gena elbowed by pple while doing spring cleaning. Fucking peace of shit is still at home when we got home. Leave lah, said you wanna leave, why are you still watching tv at home? Scum.

I regret not standing up to him when he hit her. Punch him, kick him, slap him, scratch him.... Bb said that i was right not to resort to violence. But at the time, violence seems to be the most immediate remedy. Haiz..... but i would have been stooping to his extremely low level if i resort to violence.... haiz........ mum, you dun deserve this...... not at all.......

Leech. money sucker. Barbarian. No wonder where you work, you run into enemies!!!!! No woinder ex-wife can't tahan you and give you so many lawsuits!!!! Going to your sixties liao, why can't you learn?? Why do you think that it's always pple at fault?? Did you ever look at yourself in the mirror?? Why do so many pple treat you this way?? It's not them ok? It's YOU!!!!!!!

Short games for you!

Some really cutesy flash games!!

1) Insaniquarim (requires download) <- have changed the link cos previous one not working
2) Diner Dash (requires download)

Insaniquarium is more addictive!
And a little down side of diner dash is that it's a 60min trial version nia. But also quite interesting.

(Edited on 10 Dec 05, 11:52am)

MS pics

Some pictures of me for dear to admire... heheh. How i evolved:

Pure and innocent beginner

Aspiring Warrior, hacking hard!

Ruthless warrior in the training

Changing into a swimming cap makes me demure, and makes the pig unaware of my motive

Expensive looking gear equals NERD

Friday, December 09, 2005

Tired but happy to be sharing all these experiences with you

Booked le booked le!! However, test driving it makes me very floaty and and 'sick' now... feels something like seasickness.... except that it's not, and it doesn't feels like car sickness as well. How can a driver drive and feel car sick at the same time right?! Cannot be one... cos the car is controlled by the driver.... usually the driver won't feel the sickness even if his passengers are on the verge of vomitting due to his 'skilful' driving.
The muds are acting rowdy below my block again. again and again and again. nights after night. They are so free huh? Dismantling their bikes and fixing it back up and repeat and repeat and repeat. They always make the floor so oily with the bike lubricants. Grrrrr......

But the CPs aren't tat great either. Those youngsters. Buggers. The bicyle gang always gather at the playground and snack and drink there. Uncivilised bunch of pple, always litter the place and dun pick up their debris when they leave! Dun they wipe their axx after they visit the toilet?! I once called up the police cos they were playing with candles and caused a little fire at the playground. I repeat, buggers.
I was chatting with my boss the other day, whether we'll make our first million if we continue staying in the civil service. We came to a negative conclusion. But after booking the car today, it made me reconsider our conversation. I paid close to 40k for my first car, and now another 50k. It adds up to 90k in 15yrs. So who says it's not possible? Haha....

So 1 million dollars is actually not a far dream, if you know how to save.

Note to self: B and me had our flu vaccinations at end Oct.

News Update - 9 Dec (Fri)

It's been a long time since I read the papers man!!

Fans so devoted
It's amazing how J.L. has died so many years ago and pple still worship him so much till date. It's amazing how his music can touch the heart of so many pple. Their perseverance is really remarkable. I mean would u put so much time and effort for someone you hardly know personally, your idol?
To me, it's a little far-fetched. But some pple just have loads of love to share. It isn't bad.

Beach @ neighbourhood
Woah... beach volleyball brought to the neighbourhoods. What next? Swimming with dolphin at the swimming pools? Hehe... ok, just being stupidly sacarstic.

Body found
A cleaner found dead in a kneeling position inside a rubbish collection point. Did you know that stiffening of the body takes place on the and lower jaw first, then next to the limbs. And in our kind tropical climate, decomposition will take place 18 to 24hrs after death...

Pre-ordered flu vaccines
Our nation has order enough flu vaccines for the entire population, in case of a flu pandemic! Isn't that cool and gives you a peace of mind? None the less... let's hope we never have to activate the use of it.... no more outbreaks please..

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Fat Man

Was parking at my multi-storey carpark just now. There's this white CRV in front of me, i know it's owned by this VERY fat man. He was travelling very very slowly slowly up the carpark, so I made sure i do not trail close behind him. I HATE it when pple SIMPLY CANNOT BE BOTHERED TO SIGNAL!!!!!!! What's so difficult to put on your hazard light to show intention that you wanna park?

Seeing that he's so fat, my anger ceased. He has difficulty walking, cos his thighs were so meaty that they kept rubbing against each other as he walk, already with his legs slightly part liao. I'm so fortunate to be driving a car i like and have a figure close to what i desire. Maybe he's driving a car that he dun like, but bo bian, cos no car is big enough to chair him.

Grrrr.... ok the bottom line is....

Friday, December 02, 2005

Happy 11mth Anniversary Baby

We had war. Love is back. We grow. We learn. It's our 11th mth anniversary! Happy together.

The learning process may be tedious but we will surely benefit at the end of it! Dear finds me too naggy and lor-so le... i find her too cold and bochup le. Alamakz. It's about striking balance again loh. I shan't be sooooo long winded le, and at the same time it won't make my baby so irritated and clam up as a result.

Intense telepathy striked 2 days when we thought of where to go for dinner. Bingo. We thought of the same place, which we haven't mention in months... haha... kinda scary! It was the steamboat near dear's house. Cosy place with a tv entertainment! Ch 8.. hehe...

Finally got to run today le... my only run for the week.

Tomolo we're going to watch Chicken Little!! I can't believe we, or rather I, is so eager to snatch cinema seats with children and the young ones over this movie... haha. But hey, it pays to keep a child like attitude at heart ya? Alot of things can be done easily and relaxing without the complexity and corruption of the adult mind.