em Loving u without boundaries...: July 2006

Sunday, July 30, 2006

It's cosy time and sun tan time my love!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

i rem feeling so guilty when dear wished me good the night before she slept that day while i am whining away here. I am still on her mind de! :)

Friday, July 21, 2006


Hahahhahahahaa.... some funny interpretations which cracks me up.... hahahahahahahha...

知足长乐.. yeah :)

Nothing is more important than, 这一刻, the moment.

Only this very moment is real. Treasure it as it might never come knocking twice again. Most often not again.

There'll only be one 12th Feb in this lifetime which is carved deep into my heart. :* I love you.

Even though u may have gotten sick of me saying tat... i still wanna tell u, i really love you baby.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Baby is still doing work now.... haiz.... sianz..... i dun wan to see her fall sick and tired because of tat....



I discovered that i hide my emotions alot from others, so as not to bother other pple. Although when i'm very hungry, i will tell them i'm not, so as not to trouble them to buy things for me. Although i am very busy, i will tell them i am quite ok, and can still handle them. Although i know that i will work till very late, i will tell them tat i am leaving soon le, dun worry abt me. Although the reason i work late is because i am using J's card and i dun wan to impose on J during office hours, i tell them tat it's because i can't finish my work tat's why i have to work late. i am only my truthful self when i switch from work mode to being-myself mode.

I am frank to my family and baby. Do they like it? Dear seems to find me too frank.. I dun wan to lie to my loved ones... i wan to express my emotions freely to you all freely. Love you means love you, i won't hesitate to say it out. I find verbal assurance very comforting, and sincere or not, it can be detected. Everybody needs encouraging words to keep going ya... similarly me..... Likewise i won't hold back on critisism on bad points, but sometimes she cannot accept? Or wat is it? But usually I only get to be the giver, and not the receiver. Maybe i am over the top le? Could it be? Gaaaah whatever. Damn PMS.. Damn the early run tomorrow. Doned.

Who can give me sayang..........? Sigh.

Have been working late these few days. Likewise for dear.

We even had dinner right after work yesterday. Yup straight after work, never go home first. I met dear near her work place and we went to a hawker centre. It's been so loooong since i paid hawker price for super tasty food le man... thanks dear.

I miss her... it's been a long time since.... i dunno... some kind of close gestures from her... maybe because it's been a long time since i picked her up. Whenever i dropped her off at her house after our date, she'll grab my hand before we part. A possessive gesture which never fails to warm my heart. It's been a long time since i got close to these kind gestures.... something to brighten up to the next day..

damn tomorrow is another long day. yay it's friday. baby has no duty this weekend.... i love you baby. u love me too? :'(

i have some ideas to write abt... some logies on life... but too tired to pour them out... other days perhaps... if i still rem...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Joys of life

Had a very nice chat with my dear over the phone just now. A casual chat over our daily work stuff. Simple yet very joyful. The wonders of having someone to share your life with :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Royston and goodnight

Royston and 4:30!

My office event ended so late just now... i could have spent more quality time with dear instead.
We had a 'mini' small air argument over the phone just now cos i grumbled that dear told me so last min that she would be going out tomorrow night. I originally planned to ask dear to accompany me to choose cake tomorrow at J8. Colleague introduced a nice coffeehouse for me to shop cakes for.

Anyway i'll go down alone to see and buy it loh tomorrow... no big deal... dear ought to spend time with her friends also. But just now feeling cranky cos i thought she purposely last min then tell me cos she thought i purposely never answer her sms lah. anyway just some petty issues. i am still so in love with her :)

good night night le baby... good luck for my competition tomorrow...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

31 Ways to Make A Girl Smile

1. Tell her she is beautiful
2. Hold her hand at any moment . . . even if its just for a second.
3. Hug her from behind.
4. Leave her voice or txt messages to wake up to.
5. Wrestle with her
6. don't go hang out with you ex when shes not with you, you might not relize how badly it hurts her.
7. If youre talking to another girl, when you're done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her....let her know she's yours and they aren't.
8.Write her notes or call her just to say "hi"
9.Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend.
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up.
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn't like it
13. Make her laugh.
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms
15. If she's mad at you, kiss her
16. If you care about her, then TELL HER
17. Every guy/ger should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal (she'll hug it every time she goes to sleep), jewelery (she'll treasure it forever), and one of ur t-shirts (she'll most likely wear it to bed) or sweatshirts sprayed with ur fav scent!! and flowers or something occasionally.
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you're alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile
20. Hang out with her on weekends.
21.Kiss her in the rain (girls love this)
22.Kiss her just for the heck of it.
23. If your listening to music, let her listen too.
24. Remember her birthday and get her something,even if its simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it means the WORLD to her.
25. when she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don't (it'll make her happy.)
26. Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don't care so call even if you can only talk for a minute. Girls don't necessarily have to have hour long conversations every night but its nice for them to hear your voice even for a quick hello.--please dun make her wait..cuz they wait.
27. Give her wat she wants
28. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most.
29.dont hug her friends or your friends that are girls cause she'll feel left out.
30.hang out with her whenever you are free.
31.If u care about her...SHOW her!

Last but not least for the day, i really appreciate your listening ears and sound advices baby. I may appear to be stubborn and obssessive about the promotion, but i'll be fine. Especially so when i know you make the effort to advise me against brooding over it... love you for your patience... i treasure it alot... cos it's not everyday that i have this luxury of having you talk so much to me.... feel sad and very happy at the same time. sad because i still let the promotion thingy bug me so often, happy because u have been so patience towards me.... love you deeply..... muakz....

i need to know what is wrong with my way of presenting myself, if there is something wrong, if i can change i will change. i dun like the feeling of being kept in the dark and pple knowing that you are in the wrong, keep it from you. tat feeling sucks. i would like to find out so as to improve and to remedy the situation, or future occurences.

If something is within my control, i want it to work to close to 100%, if it does not, i want to know the reason why, tat's all.

Like tanya's lyrics "我失去过,更珍惜拥有"

In english, it means tat you'll value something more after losing it and re-gaining it.

The above line is only true when you know WHY you lose it in the first place, in order to avoid losing it again in future. If not, you'll just keep losing and re-gaining it in a neverending cycle, cos you dunno the solution to stop losing it!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Great SG

Am so glad that we are living in on this sunny island. Lots of human rights, freedom to love, and a green and clean environment. Pls, count your blessings.

Imagine we're living in some third world country or our neighbour country where even a man and woman is not allowed to bo close to each other unless they are married. if they are in the same room alone, adultery label is immediately tagged on them. wth.

In comparison, we must must must be glad for what we have now! Freedom!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

My lovely life

Alright!! We're going to LKW!!!!! YooHOOO!!!

Travel the world with my missus... a wonderful part of life :)

Life has been very very good to us. As they say, no news means good news. Stability = good news. Bonus is coming le, more good news!!

Dear gave me a nice surprise by offering to come to my house friday evening :) Probably cos i've been lamenting on how much i miss her hugs :) Spent a little time cuddling and basically just enjoying the closeness and her warmth and her lovely scent.... but... it's never enough lah! :D

Looking forward to the LKW trip!!!!

Went marketing with parents this morning! It's been sometime since we spend such quality time together as a family. Meaning, no hostility, no abusive words, laughter, harmless jokes and care for each other, eating together in peace.

Love it... but it only happens once in a long time.. cherish it.. it's dad's 60th birthday today. Happy birthday... and be happy.

Mum always makes me very amused when she's at the supermarket. She has a problem splitting open the transparent plastic bag available at the fruit/veggie section. Used to spend quite some time trying to open them to no avail. She would seek help from me or dad EvErYtImE. Haha... i attempted to introduce different methods to her, but no success yet. I realised that quite a few pple have similar problem too, as i observed long enough. Hehe.. quite a cute sight.

Anyway, here's some info for my missus on Aveo5, the cute little hatchback:

Fuel consumption is about 8.89km/litre

Forum - heard tat the SG chevolets are made in korea instead of US

Picanto vs Kelisa vs Getz Aveo5