em Loving u without boundaries...: Game Logic again :\

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Game Logic again :\

Just have to blog this important thing down before i forget. Another logic derived from game playing.

Alot of pple are unwilling to put in the hard work to slash monsters to get certain items. E.g. I am now on a mission to collect 50 tree branches. Tree branches are only obtainable if i kill the tree-like monsters named Axe Stump. Problem is, it takes a long time for characters of my level to kill Axe Stump, who is a powerful monster. And not all Axe Stump drops tree branches after they are killed. The tree branch drops are random. I've been playing for a long time now... a few weeks.. and i have only 18 tree branches as yet.

Now, alot of pple resort to buying tree branches from other players. I was tempted to do that several times. Cos it was tiring to just hunt for Axe Stump, and to hit hit hit hit hit them until they finally die.

But just as i was about to hunt for sellers of tree branches, i thought to myself. Isn't that defeating the purpose of the game already? The purpose of the game is to kill monsters, build up your experience points, so that you grow stronger and become more powerful. If I resort to the easy way out / the faster way out / the shortcut, yes i will complete the quest faster. But i will NEVER become strong enough to handle the more powerful monsters down the road.

Yes it took me alot of time and finger strength and sleepless nights and effort for my character to become stronger...

Likewise in a relationship, time and effort and hard work are CRUCIAL to make your relationship stronger in the long run..... quarrels are normal... although they bring tears. But quarrels are part and parcel of a relationship! How can there be a relationship with no quarrels? Quarrels are learning opportunities to let you learn about compromising, and giving and taking. Just want to let you know that quarrels are the essentials... as long as they are not of the abusive or physical type....

And not just relationship, everything in life...

Do you get my point?

Hardships are necessary. Nobody lives a smooth life throughout. If you have never experience hardships, you will never appreciate bliss.... Do you know what I mean........

I dun wan you to give up whenever you get trapped into a corner..... tat sucks... there can be a twist to everything.

Kinda similar to the morale of the butterfly story........

I want you to know that we can learn from these together as a couple... love you...


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