Haven't switch on my computer for many days now. Have been feeling very tired lately, on the verge of dozing off when driving home and bed is the only thing i see when i get home! It's probably my hibernation period when the year starts?
Haven't blog as a result, and sometimes I think it's a good thing, because it means that I do not have any negativities to get off my chest. I do not have any worries, and it means i'm living my life simply. How nice :) No news is good news!
A friend once asked me what kinda of love life i prefer. An adventurous one, one which you change partners frequently to get the different thrills, or a stable one, which you stick to one partner and have to prepared for it to get monotonous. I believe many pple is delighted by the idea of an adventurous one, especially young pple, for they can afford the time and effort. As pple age, many of them will start to yearn for a stable one over an adventurous one. Yes.... Stability over adventure for me, anytime. Way over that stage of thrills.... for they only bring temporary pleasures. At the end of the day, you'll go home hollow-hearted after the short thrill.
Would you rather go home to a person who knows you inside out, though she nags constantly, she scolds you when you mess up your room, she cooks the same dish everyday, same routine everyday. But she is the someone you know you can hug to sleep, will stick with you through thick and thin, will lend you a shoulder to cry on, will lend you a listening ear when you need one, will give you honest advice even when it sounds bad to your ears. Yes me. I want that.
Married life is all about that. If you are prepared to give up adventure for stability, you are ready for commitment and settle down with your other half. Apparently my good friend is not ready. Well take your time bee... maybe you are still in search of wat you want.
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And yes life have been good after christmas, a new year a new beginning! Having spent time with dear and family, it makes me happy that i get to plan my time well between them.
Stayed over at dear's place over the weekend, we finished like 6 movies over 2 days. Shiok! And these are all movies which i felt convey very positive morals at the end of, therefore i'm glad i got to watch it with dear! Hope she likes it too..
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Just browsed through friendster and saw my cousin's gf dropped him a note, a very heartwarming one ->
"Dear Happy Birthday! This is e second time i celebrate ur bday wif u as ur gf. I hope i can continue to celebrate ur bday for u for the rest of ur life. 1yr older le must work harder ok? In camp must be very careful, dun be so careless n forgetful. Very dangerous de. Dear may all ur wishes come true. Stay happy always okie! And stay healthy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! MUACK!!!!!"
It instantly made me smile and happy for my cousin... he's got a mature gf, good for him. very happy for him. He's just like me, a libra, clumsy careless forgetful! But his work nature is kinda dangerous, so it's gd to see his gf's concerns for him :)
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Car aircon starting to act funny yesterday. Damn. One week before collecting my new car and this is happening! Gaaaaah! To repair or not to repair! But luckily my mechanic assured me that this aircon fault won't cause the car engine to malfunction... so whew.... i'll just have to endure aircon-less drives for these few days!!! ENDURE!!
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Went for my haircut today. Was in a dilemma whether to keep it or cut it. If i wanna keep, i also have to get it in shape, cos my hair is sticking out everyway now, very out of shape! Well in the end, cut it short again :
Wondering when then can i keep long hair again... probably when my contracts ends.... tat'll be so long away... well anyways... haha... dun get so upset by superficials lah aiyo. kekeke..
I did highlights too! Vain pot! :D
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Ok time for resolutions for the new year!
1) To spend quality time with important pple in my life (close friends, family, dear) , instead of attending to unimportant things
2) To maintain fitness or to be fitter
3) To learn to talk in a manner to let pple listen to me
4) To maintain friendliness and not agressiveness when driving
5) Putting in full effort in whatever i do, in work, in love, in the family and friends.
6) To have a better grasp of time.