em Loving u without boundaries...: Retired Aunt Agony

Friday, September 22, 2006

Retired Aunt Agony

I just realised that it's been a long long time since anyone confided in me. I used to be the person lending a good ear to friends.. or whoever has happens to spill their problems to me... then i'll share my personal thoughts and we all leave satisfied. While counselling/comforting them at the same time, the conversations never fail to leave provoking thoughts in me.

But man.. it's been a long time. I kinda miss those days ya? Where pple will look for me for a purpose.. just to share their ideas.. their problems... their thoughts... where have they been? Kinda feel idle/redundant nowadays.... it's just work work work work and me me me me....

I used to strive to be a role model for those with problems to look up to... to lend them a helping hand... it is purposeful to guide those lost ones along... making sure they do not get lost again... Making them happy... seeing their probs resolved... seeing the smile on their face...
But zilch now.

What is my purpose now? In search...


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