em Loving u without boundaries...: Convinced that you're someone you're not?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Convinced that you're someone you're not?

It is easy to transform into someone you are not. To be transformed into a person that pple want you to be. If it's for the better, then bravo. If it's for the worse... then doom.

If all you hear are negative things about yourself, i believe even the angel will turn into a devil. It's like brainwashing.. alot of pple tell you this this this this bad stuff about yourself, even if you're not, sooner or later you will be convinced that you are actually this eeeeevil weevil.

Have some time to yourself everyday, remember your core, checked if you have not steer off course and away from your life objectives... remain on course, check.

Remain oriented!



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