em Loving u without boundaries...: My Regrets

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My Regrets

Feeling the pinch...

I said i had no regrets whatsoever till this point of my life. I was so terribly wrong.

I regretted not meeting you earlier.
I regretted not being a part of your life earlier.
I regretted not being able to share you experiences earlier.

So many regrets.....................

It's a pinch that tugs at my heart whenever i think about it... if only we had met each other earlier.... it brings me to tears whenever i thought of your glory days.... and how i'll never be able to share your glory and joy then.... how i was not part of it.. sigh...

I hope to make it up to you...

I quote you:
"Since it's not possible to be the first, then hope to be the last"

I hope this will be the case of you to me baby.


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